Elevating Your People, Performance, and Profits: The Abundance Games Approach

A systematic approach to raising the consciousness of your people for the outcomes you want. Here, we cover the 3 top ways to systematically and sustainably develop your people for maximum performance, productivity, and profitability.

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Mastering the 5 Leadership Basics: Your Key to Sustainable Success

Conscious Leadership Development, Your Hedge against the Speed of Technology Leadership excellence is more critical than ever in today's dynamic and swiftly changing business realm. However, many companies overlook fundamental aspects of leadership development, hindering their ability to thrive in an increasingly competitive environment. This article delves into the five leadership basics most companies miss and provides actionable insights to ensure you don't fall into…

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Read more about the article Elevating Leadership for Lasting Performance and Profits
Banner in gold and teal with contact email sarah@sarahkayharrison.com and 866-967-4490

Elevating Leadership for Lasting Performance and Profits

By incorporating insights from Dr. David R. Hawkins' work into leadership development programs, high-tech companies can cultivate a new generation of conscious leaders who are able to navigate the complexities of the modern world with wisdom, compassion, and effectiveness, where they can ethically and sustainably maintain leadership in their industry.

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Financial B-corp to Replace Bad Banking

An important part of being a consumer is using your dollars (or whatever currency you use) as a voting tool. It can be hard to decipher what matters and what doesn't. For example, very few people know that the majority of plastic floating in the oceans is from discarded fishing nets. . . and many beached and dying mammals are found with their stomachs full…

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Unlocking longterm business success

Regenerative business owners should actively practice compassion because it improves one’s self-esteem, resilience, and relationships making it the key to unlocking long-term success in business. Read on to learn more about how it works and how you can work on your self-compassion. (12 Minute Read) Self-compassion is the act of treating oneself with kindness, care, and understanding when experiencing pain, suffering, or failure. It involves…

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Healthy Profits

For a business, having healthy profits means that it is earning more revenue than it is spending on operating expenses, such as salaries, rent, and supplies. A profitable business has enough money left over after paying its expenses to invest in its growth, pay dividends to shareholders, and set aside funds for emergencies. There are different ways to measure profitability, but some common metrics include:…

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Healthy People

When the emotional, mental, and physical health of people improves at a company, it can have numerous positive effects on both the employees and the organization as a whole. Here are some of the effects: Increased productivity: When employees are in good health, they are better able to focus, concentrate, and perform their job duties effectively, which can increase productivity. Reduced absenteeism: When employees are…

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Where do I find the best education on regenerative business as a path to happiness and Abundance?

There are several resources available for education on regenerative business as a path to happiness and abundance. Here are some places to start: Regenerative Business Institute: The Regenerative Business Institute offers online courses, workshops, and coaching programs to help individuals and businesses transition to regenerative practices. Regenesis Group: Regenesis Group is a consultancy that provides education, training, and coaching on regenerative design and development. Regenerative…

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What is the path to happiness?

The path to happiness is a personal and subjective journey that varies from person to person. However, here are some general tips that can help: Cultivate positive emotions: Cultivate positive emotions like gratitude, joy, love, and compassion. These emotions can help you experience happiness in the present moment. Practice mindfulness: Mindfulness can help you focus on the present moment and reduce stress and anxiety. You…

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How do I get involved in Regenerative business as my path to happiness?

Getting involved in Regenerative business as a path to happiness can be a fulfilling and meaningful journey. Here are some steps you can take to get started: Learn about regenerative business: Start by reading books and articles, and attending conferences that discuss regenerative business. This will give you a deeper understanding of the concept and help you identify the areas where you want to focus.…

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How is regenerative business tied to the path to happiness?

Regenerative = Happiness Regenerative business is a business model that seeks to create positive environmental and social impact while also generating profits. The concept of regenerative business is tied to the path to happiness in several ways: Purpose-driven work: Regenerative businesses often have a clear purpose beyond just making profits, such as contributing to the well-being of the planet and society. This can give employees…

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What are the personal and professional benefits of getting involved in Regenerative business?

Getting involved in regenerative business can bring a range of personal and professional benefits. Here are a few examples: Personal fulfillment: Many people are drawn to Regenerative business because they feel it aligns with their personal values and desires to make a positive impact in the world. By contributing to a more sustainable, equitable, and resilient future, they can experience a sense of purpose and…

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What does the word “regenerative” mean in business, agriculture, medicine, and education?

The word "regenerative" generally refers to practices or processes that seek to restore or enhance the health, vitality, and resilience of a system, whether that be a business, agricultural system, human body, or educational system. Here's how the term "regenerative" is typically used in these different contexts: Business: In a business context, "regenerative" often refers to practices that aim to create a positive impact on…

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Why did I start The Abundance Games (T.A.G.)

Well to answer that questions thoroughly, you would have to know me and I realize many of you who come here to my blog do not know me well. However, I recently was listening to a book called Essentialism.  Think of it like minimalism for your life experience instead of for your physical possessions.   Essentialism has been a wonderful book for me for two…

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Read more about the article 7 Reasons: Why Meditation is Necessary for Spiritual Awakening
Raising your spiritual awareness through meditation is the most powerful and sustainable option

7 Reasons: Why Meditation is Necessary for Spiritual Awakening

Meditation is the most powerful tool for spiritual awakening because is brings to your awareness your core mental programming so you can distinguish it from your consciousness…giving you greater access to power, freedom, love and Abundance.

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Read more about the article Exhausted to Energized – Spiritual Health Care
Spiritual Health practices can be used to transform your life and raise your energy, moods and health.

Exhausted to Energized – Spiritual Health Care

Moving from Exhaustion to Energized requires inner wisdom. Here are 7 Practices you can choose from to get the wisdom you need to improve your health, happiness, and Abundance.

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Read more about the article The Benefits of Overwhelm
Stillness of the mind vs Overwhelm

The Benefits of Overwhelm

How do we use overwhelm to grow spiritually? How do you use overwhelm to spiritually awaken?   How do you use overwhelm to self actualize?   How do we use overwhelm to benefit ourselves, physically and materially? I have been putting off writing another post because, well, I didn’t know what to write about! Oddly, this wasn’t because I don’t have anything to write; instead…

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Read more about the article Seek and You Will Find
Siana posing at Tempe town Lake in Arizona. Photo by Keith Alstrin

Seek and You Will Find

It’s only been a few weeks since I determined that I am seeking spiritual stories. In some regards, I have been looking for spiritual stories for the last few years to better understand God, faith, and spiritual practice. But it was only a few weeks ago when I truly committed to being a spiritual story seeker.   Happy Dog Siana after a long hike up…

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Read more about the article The Abundance Games, What is it?
The Abundance Games T.A.G. You're It!

The Abundance Games, What is it?

The Abundance Games (T.A.G.) is a system that allows you to play any game in life that inspires you and then go on to win that game.  The Abundance Games, What is it? JOIN NOW! Click Here Several years ago I found myself watching The Hunger Games movie and was appalled to see that we had an entertainment-style movie about the real atrocities of our world governments. The Hunger…

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Read more about the article Surprise Gifts You Get from Changing Your Attitude
Perception is Reality Emerson

Surprise Gifts You Get from Changing Your Attitude

Your Attitude is the key to Law of Attraction The word Attitude is synonymous with Inner-Spirit. Your inner-spirit is made up of your deepest thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about yourself, others, and the world around you. Your attitude or Inner-Spirit has a greater impact on your success or failure than any other single factor in your life. The great news is that you have control…

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Read more about the article 25 Great Quotes, Ideas, and Stories for Making A Difference
Stories give us inspiration and ideas for how we can live more inline with the ways that inspire us to live.

25 Great Quotes, Ideas, and Stories for Making A Difference

Share good deeds and tell the story about the actions, not the outcomes. What if all the streets were painted with acknowledgment and accolades of good deeds others had done. Would that inspire more people to do more good in the world? #BeTheChange Your life is your message to the world. Make sure it’s inspiring.Anonymous Making a difference in the world with simple actions is…

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Read more about the article 2 Behind the Scenes Secrets I Learned from my 1st Sabbath
The Sabbath is a time to pray or play to celebrate all the glory and blessings which God provided to us in the first 6 days.

2 Behind the Scenes Secrets I Learned from my 1st Sabbath

I tried Sabbath for the first time every. I had not heard about it before being raised protestant. This is the profound things I learned on my first Sabbath observance. Will I be doing it again? Read to find out!

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7 Easy Steps to Time Management Mastery

Time Management the process of organizing and planning how to divide your time between specific activitiesFailure to manage your time results in stress, embarrassing mistakes, or failure. Now, you can eliminate this stress and confusion about how to prioritize. Here you will get the SECRET behind great time management that no one taught you. This time-tested and proven effective system is used by everyone from…

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