7 Reasons: Why Meditation is Necessary for Spiritual Awakening

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Raising your spiritual awareness through meditation is the most powerful and sustainable option


Meditation is one of the most powerful tools for self-transformation available today because it helps us see our core mental program. When you are able to see your core mental programming you get the power to choose to allow that mental programming to persist or to change it for something which matches your desires better. Meditation is an ancient practice that can help you achieve spiritual awakening, but few people know how to use it correctly. In this article, we’ll discuss what meditation is and why it’s necessary for achieving higher levels of awareness and spirituality.

Move beyond the illusion of separation

  • The illusion of separation is the idea that we are separate from each other, from God/Source, and from the universe.
  • This belief is what keeps us from being happy, fulfilled, and peaceful.
  • When we meditate, we connect with a higher level of consciousness/infinite intelligence. We realize that we are not separate from anything and therefore can’t be hurt or wounded by anyone. #GameChanger

Achieve higher levels of awareness and intuition/insight/wisdom and so much more. . .

Meditation allows you to access your intuition.

Your intuition is so powerful that it can help you know what the right decisions are in any given situation. It can guide you through life, helping you make choices and improve yourself as a person. Meditation helps you strengthen your intuitive abilities by allowing you to become more aware of your intuition and how they communicate with you about your surroundings. Gaining greater access to their intuition strengthens you to feel more at peace and have more confidence…allowing you to present yourself in a more cool, calm, and collected manner; even when the stakes are high!

Meditation lets us move beyond the illusion of separation, which means that our ego isn’t as big or dominating anymore. The ego is solely focused on keeping the body “safe” and is known for its negative “self-talk”. However, when you meditate regularly, your ego doesn’t get in the way as much because meditation allows you to become aware of who you truly are at your core: pure consciousness itself! Your pure consciousness can witness your “thoughts” as separate from the guidance of infinite wisdom, giving your the freedom to choose to follow through on your thoughts or your conscience. That choice then leads to you gaining wisdom through clarity around your experiences! When this happens you begin to feel the curiosity, excitement, power, and freedom of living a fully self-expressed life again; and powerful yet congruent results will often follow.

Improve your physical body with anti-aging benefits

Through meditation, you can improve the quality of your life in many ways. It can help you get a better night’s sleep and reduce stress, which will make you feel more rested during the day. You may also experience an increase in energy levels, focus, and concentration as well as an improved immune system. You get the benefits of more youthful energy no matter how many years of wisdom you’ve gained.

Meditation also has anti-aging benefits that include reducing inflammation and pain while improving relaxation. Reducing inflammation can help decrease the number and severity of diseases you face and has many vanity benefits as well. Decreased inflammation can help with the appearance of the skin, hair, nails, and even things like posture, and fat retention (especially in the lower stomach or pouch area). #cortisol Meditation may also decrease anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems caused by past and/or present stressors.

Relax the nervous system and relieve stress

When we are stressed, our nervous system becomes imbalanced and we feel anxiety. When you can’t relax your body or mind, it is impossible to feel inner peace. In fact, meditation is an important part of stress relief because it helps us reduce the effects of chronic stress on our bodies.

Stress impacts every part of your life: how well you sleep, how happy you are with your relationships, and even how healthy you are. If you’re constantly stressed out, then this will affect your life in an unlimited number of ways—it’s not just about feeling anxious! Meditation helps people manage their stress levels through relaxation techniques like yoga or tai chi.

Relaxation techniques such as these can help with other physical symptoms as well; for example, if someone suffers from chronic pain then there are many methods available that combine meditation with movements such as qigong (energy cultivation) and tai chi (shadow boxing). These practices teach us to relax both mentally and physically by focusing on our breath or moving slowly through a series of poses while practicing mindful awareness throughout each exercise session.”

Align with universal truth and wisdom

When you meditate and align with the universe, you begin to feel the energy of the universe and can tap into your own inner wisdom. As Cleese put it: “When I started meditating, what was most important was not to reach any particular state of consciousness or enlightenment…but rather just to watch my mind.”

To do this, he says that what is most important is just “being in the moment.” This reminds me of a phrase from Eckhart Tolle (a spiritual teacher who has written two popular books on meditation) where he says that if we can live in the moment instead of being caught up in our thoughts about past or future events, then life becomes much easier because we’re less stressed out about things happening around us.

Meditation is necessary for Spiritual Awakening

Meditation is the practice of known for calming the mind and body and bringing awareness to the present moment because in the present moment we can access all our power, freedom, and joy. It is said that meditation helps us experience ‘the space between thoughts,’ or what some call “the gap.” At first, it may seem difficult, (usually because you are harsh (not compassionate) with yourself) but over time you’ll be able to experience a state of compassion more easily. As your practice develops, you will find yourself in a state of relaxation during which your mind can rest without distraction from external stimuli or internal chatter.

The benefits of meditation include stress relief, improved concentration, and focus, better sleep quality, emotional wellbeing (less anxiety), and feeling happier overall due to increased positive emotions like gratitude for life itself—not just things like money or possessions that we sometimes think will make us happy (which often does not last long anyway).


Now that you know a few of the most basic benefits of meditation… you may like to learn more about the different types of meditation and/or how to begin your own practice of meditation. The benefits of meditation are proven, and they are real opportunities for you to gain more peace, freedom, health, love, passion, power, purpose, fulfillment, and satisfaction in life.

If you want to experience spiritual awakening and improve your life, meditation is a great way to start your journey because without the power to distinguish your essence/consciousness/spirit from the chatterings of your mind you will not begin a spiritual awakening or receive any of the benefits of it. We’ve covered some of the best reasons to get started with meditation in this article, many of which lay the groundwork for your spiritual awakening but I recommend checking out our other articles on the topic. If you need more information on what kind of meditation is best for you to start with and what tools can help you enjoy the learning process click the included links. And remember: no matter where you are on your journey towards wholeness, don’t forget to practice kindness towards yourself and others! #compassion

Pin why meditation helps spiritual awakening
4 of the 7 Reasons why Meditation helps spiritual awakening

There are many more benefits to meditation. . . once you have established your practice you may find these exciting, inspiring, or motivating.