Why did I start The Abundance Games (T.A.G.)

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Well to answer that questions thoroughly, you would have to know me and I realize many of you who come here to my blog do not know me well. However, I recently was listening to a book called Essentialism.  Think of it like minimalism for your life experience instead of for your physical possessions.  

Essentialism has been a wonderful book for me for two reasons.  One it is a book about being committed to a type of focus in your life that allows you to be happier and two, I am reading it at the beginning of the New year when I am focused on resetting intentions for myself and my life.  I highly recommend it even though I am only partway through it now.  

I arrived at a series of three questions that I found to be essential or fundamental to creating a life I love.  However, as I considered the questions in the middle of my busy work week I realized that I didn’t have the self-reflective insight I needed to answer these questions well.  

The questions are: 

  1. What are you passionate about?
  2. What are your talents? 
  3. Where do these passions and talents meet a significant need in the world? 

After 15 years of coaching and over 20 years of influencing and educating people in all realms of business, health, and education I realized my focus has been on helping others to reflect and I have been so focused on serving others I haven’t taken sufficient time to self reflect which has caused me to experience a gap in my ability to see myself clearly.  Knowing from experience that I am not alone, I decided to go to the people I have been serving to ask for help.  So far I have asked just over a dozen or so people, but I have an intention to ask 50 people.  

  1. From your perspective, What am I passionate about? 
  2. From your perspective, what are my talents? 
  3. From your perspective, where do these passions and talents meet a significant need in the world? 

What is being reflected back to me isn’t necessarily as earth-shattering as I thought it would be. Instead, I am discovering that people are mirroring back to me the places where I put the most time, energy, and intention.  

I am very thoughtful when it comes to health (spiritually, mentally, and physically). Years ago when I found myself sick in bed for multiple years and unable to deeply connect with people in my community and equally unable to find a doctor who could seem to pinpoint the problem and help me heal my access to healing physically was to learn the spiritual lesson of forgiveness. This very personal experience and very intimate and powerful lesson in my life caused me to approach health differently than others who have gone before me.  

Unlike some experts, I have not spent my life deeply researching one aspect like neuroscience or quantum physics but instead have studied how those aspects impact our overall health, happiness, and ability to align with love and prosperity.  Love and prosperity are two things that only come from a healthy, connected community.  

The Abundance Games (T.A.G.) were created to help create a healthy connected community.
